Email mailing lists are like gold. An email to a strong list of potential clients can be lead right to your website by using the right email marketing tactics. Once there, they can learn about how you can solve their problems and will want to contact you for more information.
Somewhere along the line, someone decided it would be a good idea to make website visitors fill out a form to access some of the content on their website. They hide their best information behind a “gate” that can be unlocked by entering your contact information into a form. By doing this, they’re hoping to build their mailing lists.
Why Do IT Websites Do This?
Many people won’t be bothered with filling out a form to receive more information. Why turn people away from learning more about you and your services by locking up your most valuable content?
I know the goal is to get more names and email addresses on your mailing list. Your mailing list is gold. By forcing people to fill out your form, you can capture their contact information and send them emails until they cave, either calling you for your services or becoming so annoyed they eventually unsubscribe.
Problems With Form-Protected Content On IT Websites
Having form protected content may actually be doing IT websites more harm than it does good. There are three good reasons why you shouldn’t make website visitors fill out forms to access your content:
People are more likely to provide fake information. They may only want to read what you have and don’t want their contact information out for solicitation.
Many people will avoid filling out the form completely and search for the information on another website. This increases the chances of them finding the information on a competitors site.
People who want to read your whitepapers or other collateral may not be ready to buy just yet. They may be doing preliminary research and are only interested in the information itself. Even if you have their contact details, they’re probably not at the point in the sales cycle where they’re ready to be called or sold to.
Advantages Of Public, Ready-To-Read Content For IT Websites
Having public, ready-to-read content will actually benefit your business more than having your information locked-up. Here are three good reasons why you should make your content available without having visitors fill out a form to read it:
By putting all your resources on your website, you’re allowing search engines to index your content. This allows more people to find your business, in turn helping with long term lead generation.
The more valuable content your website has, the more likely your visitors will come back and look at your website, establishing you as an expert in the industry.
You open up more time for your sales team to focus on qualified leads when you aren’t treating every person who views your whitepapers or content as a sales lead.